The Target Competences and Learning Approach – BORG Dreierschuetzengasse

Developing and realizing a theater/video artwork involves and enhances various essential strategies, learning approaches, target competences and skills (just to name a few):

Inter-/intrapersonal, communicative and intercultural learning:
Students worked together to create, discuss and realize the art project. Thus, a growth in mutual understanding occurred.

Project-based/project-oriented learning and research-based learning:
Through developing a research-based creative art project the above-mentioned learning approaches were necessary.

Cooperation and teamwork:
Students worked in cooperative learning contexts.

Research skills:
In order to realize the project, students had to do a lot of research to find out important verified details about Archduke John’s life.

Metacognitive skills:
Students had to reflect their own learning processes.

Artistic skills:
Students developed scenes for the play, pieces of art, music, choreographies and then expressed themselves artistically in various ways which led to a mix of different artistic forms and areas.

Digital and technical skills: 
For the realization of the art project, students used technical devices and resources for their work, the results were also presented/visualized digitally.

Transfer of knowledge:
Newly gained knowledge through research had to be transferred to other areas.

Flexibility, self-control and creativity:
To cope with unexpected situations flexibility, impulse control and creative solutions were needed and practiced.