Are you a teacher, a school leader or an educator? Are you interested in implementing PERFECT similar activities in your educational context? Here you can find the resources you are looking for!
How to start a transnational cultural project?
Start with creating a Competence Boat and a Community Map: have a look at the Competences Boats and the Community Maps created by some of the schools involved in the project!
What documents can help you in implementing the cultural project?
The Conceptual model and competence framework for intercultural cooperative cultural production
PERFECT is a project that calls on students and teachers to work together to put up an Artiatic Presentation on a figure from local history. The Conceptual Model of PERFECT is derived by focusing on its main aims. These are theoretically backed by the Competence Framework provided by the Research Centre of the European Commission namely LifeComp framework. Processing models are suggested and even some focus on the different Arts is given, as these play an important role in the PERFECT Project. Finally, a Presentation Driven model is suggested.
The Handbook for School Team Leaders aims to promote participation and inclusion in
the local community through the creation of arts projects. The PERForming and Sharing
of Local Histories ProjECT (PERFECT) project is based on a PERFECT conceptual model that emphasises the importance of participation and inclusion in creating an inclusive environment.
This document presents a comprehensive guide for educators and project managers to create an inclusive and participatory art project within an intercultural and transnational context. The guide comprises ten chapters, beginning with an introduction and followed by detailed chapters on creating a perfect conceptual model, participation and inclusion, and your local cultural product in an intercultural and transnational framework.
Guidelines for Schools, Teachers and Students
These guidelines are a result of the PERForming and Sharing of Local Histories ProjECT (PERFECT Project) and its main goal is to provide support for school and other education institutions as well as stakeholders of the participating schools who have not been part of the project but are interested in implementing the PERFECT approach in their own settings.